What We Do


At BudgetFirst we offer a range of free services to individuals and families. From one-on-one financial mentoring to group workshops, there’s something here to help you deal with your financial situation.

One-on-one consultations

Make an appointment to see one of our financial mentors, and discuss your financial situation in confidence. They’re all fully trained, and can help you plan for your future, whether it’s debt consolidation, talking to your creditors or planning to buy a house.

If you are struggling with any financial issues, and need help, give us a call. Sometimes it’s difficult to see what the solutions are when you’re worried and under stress. We can help work through any issues and bring things back onto an even keel.



Are you ready to own your own home? Our Sorted Kainga Ora workshop may be the answer to your home ownership dreams. Our 8 week programme covers a range of topics, from using your Kiwisaver savings for a first home deposit, how to improve your credit score, and applying for your kainga whenua loan.


MoneyMates Workshops

Our MoneyMates workshops are run regularly within the Hastings and Napier community and cover a range of topics, from understanding how to set goals, how to keep track of your money, dealing with debt and strategies to get rid of it, and how to improve your credit score. Participants who complete the required number sessions receive a certificate of achievement.

We can also run MoneyMates workshops with community groups or in workplaces. Get everyone in your team or your community confident about their financial future by attending a MoneyMates workshop.


Ready2Rent Programme

Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know about renting, and who can you get advice from? Us. This programme is run in collaboration with Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga & Salvation Army to prepare whanau currently living in transitional or emergency housing with the skills to secure their own rental.

Ready to Rent Video


A budget is people telling their money where to go instead of wondering where it went.

John Maxwell